Rabu, 11 April 2012

Is the university the best guarantee of success?

Went on to study at university level is the dream of every person who has completed his education at the secondary level. In universities there will enter the screening session. But if each person is able to continue his studies at the university? maybe yes and maybe no. There are many factors that hinder us in entering college, one of which is the high cost of college. But today, many universities that provide scholarships to college who can not pay.

Many people who enter the university because they want to get success in the future. And whether by entering into the best universities will ensure future success? In my opinion, the university is the right choice for the search for success in the future. Because today, many companies are looking for graduates. In college we were taught many things, not just the hard skills but also soft skills.

I also chose the college because they want to get success. Currently I'm go to college management, faculty of Economics at the Gunadarma University. I choose management because in addition to good job prospects, I would like to have a business and can provide jobs for the community.

1 komentar:

  1. kawan, karena kita sudah mulai memasuki mata kuliah softskill akan lebih baik jika blog ini disisipkan link Universitas Gunadarma yaitu www.gunadarma.ac.id yang merupakan identitas kita sebagai mahasiswa di Universitas Gunadarma juga sebagai salah satu kriteria penilaian mata kuliah soft skill.. terima kasih :)
