Jumat, 19 Juni 2015

Character Education

Character education, now it is absolutely necessary not only at school, but at home and in the social environment. Even now this is no longer a participant character education early childhood through adolescence, but also adults. Absolutely necessary for the survival of this nation.
Imagine what kind of competition that emerged in the year 2021? Which obviously it would be our burden and parents today. At that time, the children of today will face competition with colleagues from different parts of the country in the World. In fact we are still going to work year will feel the same feelings. Demands the quality of human resources in 2021 certainly requires good character.
However, the character is the key to individual success. From an American study, 90 percent of cases of dismissal caused by bad behavior as irresponsible, dishonest, and poor interpersonal relationships. In addition, there are other studies that indicate that 80 percent of a person's success in society is determined by the emotional quotient.
What about our nation? What about the successor to the people who are now sitting in a chair important rule this country and the seat is important that managing the economy of this country? Are they already showed good character quality and comfort our hearts? Can we believe, the future of our baton handed to them, then they are able to run well, or just the opposite?
From the psychological point of view, I see a decline kulaitas "psychological age" the 21-year-old child in 20011, with children aged 21 in 2001. The purpose of the psychological age is the age of maturity, the age of eligibility and appropriateness are directly proportional to the biological age , If the child is now 21 years of age if they are as young as 12 or 11 years. Sorry if this is shocking and painful.
Though not all, but most I have encountered have such a tendency. I repeatedly cooperated with the child's age and the result is less than the maximum. I do not "give up" the air repeatedly to cooperate with them. And by accident I found this pattern tends to repeat, I observe and evaluate their behavior and character. Back again remember, schools are generally not given the education to cope with the competition on the world of work. So there is a survey said the average after school child needs 5-7 years to adapt to the world of work and the average in 5-7 years the work moved to 3-5 times. Hmm .. and this process is often referred to as the process of searching for identity. The question I seek "self" within ourselves or outside it yourself? "My job fitting what? Try this kerjain lah "and if no match to move to the other. Why is not taught in schools, so that the child live a life in the real world do not have problems even less so desperate for growing feelings of inadequacy within her lifetime and imprisoned by the false belief.
Okay back to the topic, the character of the values ​​of human behavior associated with the Almighty God, ourselves, our fellow human beings, environment and nationality embodied in thoughts, attitudes, feelings, words, and actions based on religious norms, laws , manners, culture and customs.
For Indonesia today, character education also means doing business in earnest, systematically and continuously to awaken and strengthen the awareness and confidence of all the people of Indonesia that there will be no better future without having to build and strengthen the character of the people of Indonesia. In other words, there is no better future that can be realized without honesty, without increasing the self-discipline, without perseverance, without the spirit of learning, without developing a sense of responsibility, without fostering unity amidst diversity, without the spirit of contributing to the progress together, and without a sense of confidence and optimism. This is our challenge Indonesian nation, capable of?
Theodore Roosevelt said: "To educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society" (Educating a person in the aspect of intelligence and not the moral aspect is mara-hazard threat to the public).

Source : http://www.pendidikankarakter.com/pentingnya-pendidikan-karakter-dalam-dunia-pendidikan/

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 Pertemuan 3

Exercise 37:

1. The last record that was produced by this company became a gold record.
2. Checking accounts that require a minimum balance are very common now.
3. The professor to whom you spoke yesterday is not here today.
4. John whose grades are the highest in the school has received a scholarship.
5.Felipe bought a camera which has three lenses
6. Frank is the man whom we are going to nominate Frank for the office of treasurer
7. The doctor is with a patient whose leg whose broken in an accident.
8. Jane is the woman who going to China next year.
9. Janet wants a typewriter who self-corrects.
10. This book which i found last week contains some useful information
11. Mr. Bryant whose team has lost the game looks very sad.
12. James wrote an article which indicated that he dislike the president.
13. The director of the program who graduated from Harvard University is planning to retire next year.
14. This is the book that i have been looking for this book all year.
15. William whose brother is a lawyer wants to become a judge.

Exercise 38: Relative Clause Reduction

1. George is the man chosen to represent the committee at the convention
2. All of the money accepted has already been realesed
3. The paper on the table belong to Patricia
4. The man brought to the police station confessed to the crime
5. The girl drinking coffee is Mary Allen
6. John,s wife a professor has written several papers on this subject
7. The man talking to the policeman is my uncle
8. The book on the top shelf is the one that i need
9. The number of students counted is quite high
10. Leo Evans a doctor eats in this restaurant every day

Exercise 39:

1. (correct)
2. (correct)
3. (correct)
4. (correct)
5. (correct)
6. (correct)
7. I advise that you take the prerequisities befor registering for this course
8. (correct)
10. (correct)

Relative clauses to postmodify a noun

 We use relative clauses to postmodify a noun - to make clear which person or thing we are talking about. In these clauses we can have the relative pronoun who, which, whose or that
·         as subject (see Clauses Sentences and Phrases)
Isn’t that the woman who lives across the road from you?
The police said
 the accident that happened last night was unavoidable
The newspaper reported that
 the tiger which killed its keeper has been put down.

 relative pronoun is the subject of the clause.
We do
 not repeat the subject:

*The woman who [she] lives across the road…
*The tiger
 which [it] killed its keeper …

·         as object of a clause (see Clauses, Sentences and Phrases
Have you seen those people who we met on holiday?
You shouldn’t believe
 everything that you read in the newspaper.
The house
 that we rented in London was fully furnished.
The food was definitely the thing
 which I enjoyed most about our holiday.

- Sometimes we use whom instead of who when the relative pronoun is the object
Have you seen those people whom we met on holiday?
- When the relative pronoun is object of its clause we sometimes leave it out:
Have you seen those people we met on holiday?
You shouldn’t believe
 everything you read in the newspaper.
 house we rented in London was fully furnished.
The food was definitely the
 thing I enjoyed most about our holiday.
 relative pronoun is the object of the clause.
We do
 not repeat the object:
Have you seen those people who we met [them] on holiday?
The house that we rented
 [it] in London was fully furnished.
The food was definitely the thing I enjoyed
 [it] most about our holiday.

·         as object of a preposition. When the relative pronoun is the object of a preposition we usually put the preposition after the verb.:

You were talking to a woman >>> Who was the woman who you were talking to?
My parents live in that house >>> That’s the house
 that my parents live in.
You were talking about a book. I haven’t read it. >>> I haven’t read the book
 which you were talking about.

- When the relative pronoun is the object of a preposition we usually leave it out:
Who was the woman you were talking to?
That’s the
 house my parents live in.

- Sometimes we use whom instead of who:

Who was that woman whom you were talking about.
- When we use whom or which the preposition sometimes comes at the beginning of the clause:
I haven’t read the book about which you were talking.
- We can use the possessive form, whose, in a relative clause:
I always forget that woman’s name >>> That’s the woman whose name I always forget.
I met a
 man whose brother works in Moscow.

Source : https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/english-grammar/clause-phrase-and-sentence/verb-patterns/relative-clauses

Selasa, 19 Mei 2015

5 Things That Make The Japanese Working Hard at the Office

Japanese people are often overtime, not infrequently they are in office much longer than people in other country offices. In fact, in Japan there is a term "Karoshi" (過 労 死), which is a term used to refer to deaths caused by overwork. Why is it that Japanese people like overtime and linger in office? This 5 main reasons according to Japan Today readers.
As reported by quoting RocketNews reader reaction in Japan Today, this is the fifth major problem that they think is the reason Japanese people are almost always late and linger in office.
Issue 1, Loyalty to the Company
Unlike the situation in Europe and America, which moved the company to pursue higher salaries and better working conditions is a common thing, Japan is famous for its system of "lifetime employment" system that makes climate strong company loyalty. There are many companies that express this with phrases such as "team spirit" or "team work", but basically all have the same meaning.
For foreigners who see no harm in moving the company in order to develop their careers, must be hard to understand why Japanese people feel very attached to their company, particularly when their working conditions are less than ideal. Japanese people often talk about their love for their company and proud to work there; never even thought to question their loyalty to the company.
Issue 2, Low Productivity
Many people say that the Japanese company's low productivity. In other words, the number of people working long hours, the work appears it may take longer to complete. An employee is not seen trying to complete their work within a specified time, even deliberately stalling the work to make it look they work harder and give more effort.
Saxon Salute, a custom reader commenting Japan Today Japanese workers, "Most Japanese do not work hard, they just spend hours, waste time in vain on documents and procedures that are not relevant." Unlike the stranger in Japan is a priority to complete the work within a certain time and leave when their work time is over.
Issue 3, Actually They Do not Work More
Many have commented that it is actually less than many earnest work done by workers in Japanese companies. So for the Japanese people, why do they look always late and linger in the office, because they did not take hours to complete a job, but they have only been in office for hours.
Readers Japan Today, Tamarama commented that, "When's the first time I lived in Japan, I spoke with Japanese parents who had lived and worked in Sydney, Australia. He explained to me that the Japanese people will always tell how hard their work life, and how hard they work, etc, etc. But she says it all cuman bullsh * t. "The Japanese were met commented that Australians work harder so that their work is completed at 5 pm so that they could go home, he said Japanese employees just a waste of time and spend more time sia- the drain in the office. "I also often see people falling asleep at their desk when I work," added Tamarama.
Issue 4, They Do not Know How to Relax
For foreigners, the Japanese seem to have no time for anything outside of their work, but it seems also no one who protested this situation. Some people wonder if this is because Japanese people do not know what to do in their spare time.
Problem 5, Fears
Many people are of the opinion that the Japanese people are too afraid to change the status quo and make a fuss.
Thomas Proskow write comments on Japan Today "I think the economic problems and the fear of job loss effect on it (lingering in the office). Japan is also famous for its culture of silence. A person's life is determined by their work rather than family, hobbies or other personal goals. "
In contrast to the Japanese people, as strangers may seem obvious that someone needs to be home when their contracts saying that they are entitled to do so. But everything becomes more complex with the pressure of fear not only the fear of the views of colleagues and superiors, but also afraid to change the habits of life over the years.
When the golden era of the Japanese economy, many western companies who see the Japanese company as a role model for achieving economic development. However, the current working conditions in Japan is often criticized by foreigners, and is deemed detrimental to the globalized world and rapidly changing, as it is today. Many are also concerns for the workers, as well as the high level of frustration the people of Japan. Certainly nothing really enjoyed working hours.
May strangers see why they do not say "Enough!"? For those who are not Japanese may be the easy thing. But Japanese people have different norms that become a barrier it. No one who wants to be the first to go home, even though their working hours were over, because they are seen not concerned with "group" them and be the talk by their colleagues.
The Japanese seem to be required to be the same as the other Japanese, it is not okay to stand out. Is that you'll have the opportunity to stay in Japan will also be like them all?
Source: http://jurnalotaku.com/2013/08/28/5-masalah-yang-membuat-orang-jepang-sering-lembur/

Causative Verbs

The causative verbs are used to indicate that one person causes a second person to do something for the first person. One can cause somebody to do something for him or her by paying, asking, or forcing the person. The causative verbs are: have, get, make.
Have/get: The clause following have or get may be active or passive. Study the following rules.
ACTIVE (1) Mary had John wash the car. (John washed the car.) activeACTIVE (2) Mary got John to wash the car. (John washed the car.) activePASSIVE  (3) Mary got the car washed. (The car was washed by somebody.)                        Mary had the car washed.

Examples of active clauses in causative sentences:
The president had his advisors arrange a press conference.George is getting his teachers to give him a make-up exam.Mary has had a friend type all of her papers.John is having his father contact the officials.The editor had the contributors attend a composition workshop.Morris got his dog to bring him the newspaper.
 Examples of passive clauses in causative sentences:

James has his shirts cleaned at the drycleaners.Pat is having her car repaired this week.Anna got her paper typed by a friend.The president is having a press conference arranged by his advisors.Mary got her husband arrested. (Exception: a person is the complement, but the second clause is passive.) Rick was having his hair cut when John called.
Make: Make can be followed only by a clause in the active voice. It is stronger than have or get. It means force.subject +  make + complement + [verb in simple form] . . .
The robber made the teller give him the money. (The robber forced the teller to give him the money.)
Examples of make:
The manager made the salesmen attend the conference.The teacher always makes the children stay in their seats.George made his son be quiet in the theater. The president is making his cabinet members sign this document. The teacher had made the students' parents sign release forms before he let the students jump on the trampoline.
Let: Let is usually added to the list of causatives in grammar textbooks. It is not actually causative. It means allow or permit. Notice the difference in grammar.note: Let is not interchangeable with leave, which means to go away. 
John let his daughter swim with her friends.(John allowed his daughter to swim with her friends.)(John permitted his daughter to swim with her friends.)The teacher let the students leave class early. The policeman let the suspect make one phone call. Dr. Jones is letting the students hand in the papers on Monday. Mrs. Binion let her son spend the night with a friend. We are going to let her write the letter.Mr. Brown always lets his children watch cartoons on Saturday mornings.

Help: Help is not actually a causative verb either, but is generally considered with causative verbs in grammar textbooks. It is usually followed by the simple form, but can be followed by the infinitive in some cases. It means assist.
John helped Mary wash the dishes.Jorge helped the old woman with the packages (to) find a taxi.The teacher helped Carolina find the research materials.

Source : http://masterex.narod.ru/english_email_causative_verbs.htm

Pertemuan 3 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Exercise 32 : Enough

  1. Enough people
  2. French enough
  3. Enough time
  4. Fast enough
  5. Soon enough
  6. Early enough
  7. Hard enough
  8. Slowly enough
  9. Enough flour
  10. Enough books
Exercise 33 :Because / Because of
  1. Because
  2. Because
  3. Because of
  4. Because
  5. Because of
  6. Because
  7. Because of
  8. Because
  9. Because
  10. Because of
Exercise 34 :So / Such
  1. So
  2. Such
  3. So
  4. So
  5. So
  6. So
  7. Such
  8. So
  9. So
  10. Such
  11. So
  12. So
  13. Such
  14. So
  15. So
Exercise 35 : Passive Voice
  1. The President is called by somebody everyday
  2. The other members are being called by John
  3. Mr. Watson will be called by somebody tonight
  4. Considerable damage has been caused by the fire
  5. The supplies should be bought by the teacher for this class
Exercise 36 : Causative Verbs
  1. Leave
  2. Repaired
  3. To type
  4. Call
  5. To paint
  6. Write
  7. Lie
  8. To send
  9. To cut
  10. Sign
  11. Leave
  12. To wash 
  13. Fixed
  14. Published
  15. To find

Selasa, 21 April 2015

Nuclear Program in Indonesia

Nuclear power in Indonesia is the Indonesian program to develop and utilize nuclear science and technology both in the field of non-energy as well as in the field of energy for peaceful purposes. Non-energy utilization in Indonesia has developed quite advanced. While in the field of energy (electricity generation), until 2011, Indonesia is still trying to gain public support, despite being considered the international community that Indonesia is quite capable and it is time to use it.
The development and application of nuclear technology in Indonesia starting from the establishment of the State Committee for Investigation Radioaktivitet 1954. The State Committee has the task of investigating the possibility of radioactive fallout from nuclear weapons testing in the Pacific.
Having regard to the development and utilization of atomic energy utilization for the welfare of the community, the Government Regulation No. 65 In 1958, on 5 December 1958 and established the Atomic Energy Council of the Institute of Atomic Energy (LTA), which is then refined into the National Atomic Energy Agency (Batan), based on Law No. 31 of 1964 on the provisions of Atomic Energy. Furthermore, each dated December 5, which is a historic date for the development of nuclear technology in Indonesia and set as the day so BATAN.
In subsequent developments, to further improve the mastery in the field of nuclear science and technology, in 1965 inaugurated the first atomic reactor operation (Triga Mark II) in Bandung. Then a row, also built several litbangyasa facilities scattered in various research centers, among others Atomic Energy Research Center market Friday, Jakarta (1966), Atomic Energy Research Center, GAMA, Yogyakarta (1967), and Multipurpose Reactor 30 MW (1987 ) along with supporting facilities, such as: fuel fabrication and research, test reactor safety, radioactive waste management and other nuclear facilities.
Meanwhile the paradigm shift in 1997 stipulated Law 10 About Nuclear Power, among others regulate the separation of implementing elements of the utilization of nuclear energy (BATAN) with elements of nuclear watchdog (BAPETEN).
Nuclear Energy Agency (BAPETEN) was established in 1998. The study of atomic energy started in Indonesia. In addition to producing electricity, nuclear technology is also used for medical purposes, genetic manipulation and agriculture.
Plans for nuclear power programs were discontinued in 1997 due to the discovery of natural gas in Natuna and economic and political crises. But the program is re-run since 2005.
Indonesia stated that, as a signatory of the NPT (Non-proliferation Treaty) and the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement with the monitoring program will develop the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Therefore, Mohammed ElBaradei was invited to visit the country in December 2006.
Protests against this plan appeared in June 2007 near the Central Java and also a surge in mid-2007.
In March 2008, through the Minister of Research and Technology, Indonesia explained his plans to build four pieces measuring 4800 MWe nuclear power plant (4 x 1200 MWe).
In response to the above article in my opinion, nuclear technology for power generation is very good to save petroleum, very friendly environment is also very efficient. Technology like this is an important discovery that ever existed on earth. Because the Indonesian government seems to really want Indonesia to have nuclear power plants to meet the country's electricity consumption. But if the government has to think carefully about the planned construction of this nuclear power plant? Is impacts caused could be anticipated by the government? Where the radioactive waste will be disposed of?
Actually there are a lot of questions about the impact of the nuclear power plant that I wanted to ask, but here I will discuss the basics only. As we know, Indonesia is an archipelago surrounded by a ring of fire. Yet sophisticated tools that can predict when it will be the fault tectonic plates around the fire ring. If any sudden fracture plate near the location of nuclear power plants and cause earthquakes and tsunami which caused a leak of radioactive as happened in Fukushima, Japan some time ago, if Indonesia is ready to losses caused by the leaking of radioactive?
Japan to build nuclear power plants because they did not have any other alternative energy, while Indonesia has a myriad of alternative energy that has not been exploited by the government. Not to mention the radioactive waste that has a half-life of 24,000 years while earning a nuclear power plant age was 40 years. Who would be responsible for 24,000 years?
Then regarding the building of the former nuclear power plant if Indonesia could pay hundreds trillion just to destroy the former building of nuclear power plants or even later unattended?
Honestly for the problem of building a nuclear power plant in Indonesia, I do not agree with any reason. Indonesia still has the resources or other alternative energies that do not have a lot of disadvantages compared to a benefit that.
Reference :