Selasa, 19 Mei 2015

5 Things That Make The Japanese Working Hard at the Office

Japanese people are often overtime, not infrequently they are in office much longer than people in other country offices. In fact, in Japan there is a term "Karoshi" (過 労 死), which is a term used to refer to deaths caused by overwork. Why is it that Japanese people like overtime and linger in office? This 5 main reasons according to Japan Today readers.
As reported by quoting RocketNews reader reaction in Japan Today, this is the fifth major problem that they think is the reason Japanese people are almost always late and linger in office.
Issue 1, Loyalty to the Company
Unlike the situation in Europe and America, which moved the company to pursue higher salaries and better working conditions is a common thing, Japan is famous for its system of "lifetime employment" system that makes climate strong company loyalty. There are many companies that express this with phrases such as "team spirit" or "team work", but basically all have the same meaning.
For foreigners who see no harm in moving the company in order to develop their careers, must be hard to understand why Japanese people feel very attached to their company, particularly when their working conditions are less than ideal. Japanese people often talk about their love for their company and proud to work there; never even thought to question their loyalty to the company.
Issue 2, Low Productivity
Many people say that the Japanese company's low productivity. In other words, the number of people working long hours, the work appears it may take longer to complete. An employee is not seen trying to complete their work within a specified time, even deliberately stalling the work to make it look they work harder and give more effort.
Saxon Salute, a custom reader commenting Japan Today Japanese workers, "Most Japanese do not work hard, they just spend hours, waste time in vain on documents and procedures that are not relevant." Unlike the stranger in Japan is a priority to complete the work within a certain time and leave when their work time is over.
Issue 3, Actually They Do not Work More
Many have commented that it is actually less than many earnest work done by workers in Japanese companies. So for the Japanese people, why do they look always late and linger in the office, because they did not take hours to complete a job, but they have only been in office for hours.
Readers Japan Today, Tamarama commented that, "When's the first time I lived in Japan, I spoke with Japanese parents who had lived and worked in Sydney, Australia. He explained to me that the Japanese people will always tell how hard their work life, and how hard they work, etc, etc. But she says it all cuman bullsh * t. "The Japanese were met commented that Australians work harder so that their work is completed at 5 pm so that they could go home, he said Japanese employees just a waste of time and spend more time sia- the drain in the office. "I also often see people falling asleep at their desk when I work," added Tamarama.
Issue 4, They Do not Know How to Relax
For foreigners, the Japanese seem to have no time for anything outside of their work, but it seems also no one who protested this situation. Some people wonder if this is because Japanese people do not know what to do in their spare time.
Problem 5, Fears
Many people are of the opinion that the Japanese people are too afraid to change the status quo and make a fuss.
Thomas Proskow write comments on Japan Today "I think the economic problems and the fear of job loss effect on it (lingering in the office). Japan is also famous for its culture of silence. A person's life is determined by their work rather than family, hobbies or other personal goals. "
In contrast to the Japanese people, as strangers may seem obvious that someone needs to be home when their contracts saying that they are entitled to do so. But everything becomes more complex with the pressure of fear not only the fear of the views of colleagues and superiors, but also afraid to change the habits of life over the years.
When the golden era of the Japanese economy, many western companies who see the Japanese company as a role model for achieving economic development. However, the current working conditions in Japan is often criticized by foreigners, and is deemed detrimental to the globalized world and rapidly changing, as it is today. Many are also concerns for the workers, as well as the high level of frustration the people of Japan. Certainly nothing really enjoyed working hours.
May strangers see why they do not say "Enough!"? For those who are not Japanese may be the easy thing. But Japanese people have different norms that become a barrier it. No one who wants to be the first to go home, even though their working hours were over, because they are seen not concerned with "group" them and be the talk by their colleagues.
The Japanese seem to be required to be the same as the other Japanese, it is not okay to stand out. Is that you'll have the opportunity to stay in Japan will also be like them all?

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